Sunday 13 November 2011

I'm a lazy reader (and feel no shame in admitting to this)

I am aware that this post could be controversial. I am expecting at least an irate text from the best friend berating me for this addition. Please, let me explain myself. I do read. Alot. I read a wide variety of things. Oscar Wilde is my favourite author but I'm not adverse to some Katie Fforde on occasion. I have a soft spot for Terry Pratchett and yes, I read Twilight and to my eternal shame, I loved it. Neil Gaiman provides escapism and Orwell and Huxley Show me what the world could be in a not-so-far-off dystopian future. I love books with a passion. 

So why the post title I hear you cry! I hate books that take an inordinate amount of effort to read. I don't want to have to plough through tedious meandering plots. I just don't see why I should have to work to traverse through the book. Surely it's the job of the author to make my journey through their world pleasurable and easy? I read a book to be entertained, to leave this world for a while. I want to be carried along without needing a high level of mental persistence

*disclaimer: This is different from reading books that make me think, I like that, I just resent having to think. A perfect book will carry me along whilst making me think.*

Books that fit this description are often "classic" literature. I'm talking about Tolstoy, Dickens and Hardy. In general books that are winners of or have been short-listed for high-brow and prestigious award such as the Man Booker prize eg. Cloud Atlas often fall into this category. Now I appreciate beautiful imagery and structure as much as the next person but, in my opinion, without sufficient plot a book is empty and dreary.

I now open the floor to anyone out of my extensive readership (jokes!)  to challenge this view. I promise I wont hold it against you. 

Massive love xxxxxxxxx