Wednesday 30 March 2011

The best news I've ever received in my entire life, ever.

I did have some fantastic and entertaining anecdote to bestow on you, however I've just got an offer to go to UNIVERSITY!! As of next year I will no longer be walking the damp and dreary street of north east England but will be living it large in the south east of England. HURRAH!

Tuesday 29 March 2011


I doubt anyone out there is reading this (apart from "the best friend")  but If you are you should check out this blog *CLICK HERE*. The person who wrote is pretty damn sexy, I think it comes across in the writing.

PS. I don't know why "best friend" is in quotation marks either. It just is OK!

You did want a picture, right?

Guess what guys! I drew you a picture :)

It's a dinosaur. I hope you like it. I figured that you might need cheering up. If you've had a day like mine, you definitely do. Sometimes I wonder why I picked the subjects I did, I mean who in their right mind thinks Chemistry, Physics and Biology is a good idea. Don't get me wrong, I get to learn all sort of interesting things; Science can be cool. I mean look at Professor Brian Cox (*dreamy sigh*) I don't think physics has ever been more relevant. But seriously, today has been horrific.

It doesn't help that I only had one free period today. I genuinely don't know what I did when I actually had to attend lessons all day. I was probably a more grumpy person. I'm sure they are supposed to be "study periods" and you're meant to use them to do work, however, I tend to use them as cafe periods. I've got two tomorrow. Life is looking up :)

Monday 28 March 2011

My slight obsession with other peoples lives

I don't know what it is about blogs that fascinates me so much, but I am a regular visitor to several. My favourites vary in content from professional blogs by professional bloggers (Cakewrecks and Hyperbole and a Half are, in my opinion, two of the best) to more personal blogs that I've stumbled across. 
Although I enjoy reading the two aforementioned blogs it's the personal ones that intrigue me most.

 I love the illicit thrill of finding out about a strangers life, its almost like being a spy. I find myself utterly caught up in other peoples stories, I enjoy reading about them going shopping or the fact their baby can roll over or that they've just learnt to cook a new meal. In some respects they are more interesting than many television soaps because they are real. The people in them actually exist somewhere. They are living breathing entities that I will never meet, yet I know minute details about them such as the shade of cream they've just painted their living room. I find this utterly phenomenal. 

I wonder what the writers would say if they knew how much interest I take in their lives. I do feel a little like a stalker sometimes. I'm always reticent to comment on them because I worry what they would think about a teenager from England commenting on their lives a thousand miles away. I know how absurd this is because I really hope someone out there would find my life interesting enough to comment(please!) but I can't shake off the feeling that I'm a little bit of a creep for being so interested. 

I guess it's the same reason that, as an adult, I still indulge in playing on Sims occasionally. I like other peoples lives, I love they way everything fits together, how a family is still a family whether in another culture or even virtual. I take some comfort in that. Of course it's probably just because I'm nosey...

Sunday 27 March 2011

Why I love the internet

I would like to give you an interesting anecdote for today but I shall mainly be spending it doing homework. Thrilling. However, homework is apparently necessary in order to achieve some qualifications. Therefore, I shall turn to my old friend Mr Internet to provide you with some quality entertainment. I present to you the beauty that isDANCING GRANDDAD!

In reference to my previous post, my dancing is even worse than this....