Saturday 30 April 2011

I would have wished you a happy royal wedding day but I was eating cucumber sandwiches.

Sorry guys, I was just far too excited to wish you a happy day yesterday. I know that I don't know the happy couple (although Duke and Duchess Cambridge right? I totally claim them as my own...) but I'm a romantic at heart and they seem truly in love. And the dress!? OMGoodness. I want it!

Unfortunately, my invitation got lost in the post (damn you Royal Mail) so I ended up gatecrashing my friend's house. We had hats and tea and scones and I LOVED it! Granted, this was mainly because I got to stuff my face with various cup cakes and crust-less sandwiches etc. but I'm up for taking any excuse for a party. And also, Prince Harry, I'm single and I really like posh boys. *thumbs up*

some of the advertising and memorabilia was truly ingenious. For the past month my facebook has been sharing my favourites with me nearest and dearest. For example:

This advert

This plate

These condoms (lie back and think of England!)
This nail art

And my personal favourite. I got this from the targeted facebook ads on the sidebar. Are you ready for this? The willi-yum & cheese-kate. This was the name of a cheese cake! Well, it made my day anyway.

I'm sorry for the obligatory wedding related post but I honestly enjoyed yesterday and w/e u h8ers sez, I think its great that we got to have a good ol' knees up in  their honour. There. I've said it. I'm officially a royalist. Here's a picture of Wills and Kate. HURRAH!

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