Friday 22 April 2011

What I would give for a train ticket to anywhere but here.

Ok, so it's been I while. My profuse apologies for the lateness of this post. I would like to use the excuse that I've been insanely busy, however, this would not be entirely true. I've mostly been watching old TV series' on 4OD. I'm not going to lie to you, this is probably a really bad thing and will invariably lead to me failing at life. On the other hand, I can pass it off as preparation for uni next year. My justification is that I can now discuss pretty much any TV genre someone could throw at me. 

I can do the same thing with books. I've read a little from a wide rage of literature. This enables me to bluff my way through any discussion. The best friend keeps me on my toes with this one. She will be studying English literature next year this means that a quiet lunch at a cafe can quite easily descend into a fully fledged debate into the merits of feminist writing. I can almost match her. This fills me with a smug sense of satisfaction because she's pretty rubbish at talking about midwifery (this is what I'm going to do next year *squee of excitement ensues*). Granted this is a narrower feild of intrest but still...

Anyway, I digress, what I really wanted to talk about is itchy feet. Not literal itchy feet(although if you have that it could be something like athletes foot, easily treated with over the counter creams) but itchy feet that mean that I'm going stir crazy being stuck very picturesque but inherently dull town. I just can't wait to escape the inane small town politics and claustrophobic nature of my large family. 

Don't get me wrong, I can't think of a better way to grow up. I love my family dearly and the town is safe and homely. This doesn't stop me feeling like there are far better things to come. I don't know what adventures next year is going to bring but I'm sure they are going to be wonderful and incredibly exciting! I just can't wait to get started. 

I feel that this will probably be a life long issue for me. I have a short attention span, I struggle to sit through an entire film. This means that I simply get bored being in the same place for too long. My parents are the same, we moved house a lot when I was growing up because my Mum gets bored of one house. Fortunately, I only have a few months to stick it out here. Here's hoping I manage to refrain from becoming a homicidal psychopathic in this time. Wish me luck :)

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