Sunday 12 June 2011


The Best Friend has been nagging me to write another post. So I'm going to write about fish. I have a friend who has two fish, Perry and Bubbles. Recently I was "revising" round at her house and I remarked that the fish food she feeds her fish is made from, erm, fish. I thought this was a bit creepy. Anyway, she calls me up the other day to let me know that Bubbles was sick. He was kinda bent double in his bowl. This in itself is distressing. However, worse was yet to come. Perry Had been eating bits of Bubbles. I know, gross right? We did a bit of research and it turns out that fish are a bit cannibalistic.

Owing to the alarming nature of this situation I'm personally of the opinion that Bubbles should be put out of his misery. This resulted in a lunchtime researching fish euthanasia, we found one method that seemed like a doable option, it involved clove oil and vodka. I was quite surprised at the number of websites telling you how to kill your fish. I was even more surprised at the comments people left. Two of my favourites:

"Step one. Toilet
Step two. Flush"

"I find the waste disposal unit is best"<-----This one made me literally LOL

I realise that this makes me seem a tiny bit sadistic but I find this whole idea of fish cannibalism quite amusing. I drew this picture for my friend the fish owner:
It's a fish eat fish world out there....

I thought it was great. She was unimpressed. 

I should probably get some sleep now, I have an exam tomorrow....wish me luck guys! 

PS. She didn't kill her fish......

UPDATE: Bubbles has now sadly deceased. 

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