Thursday 30 June 2011

As promised.

Exams are over. I'm a free woman. This is currently what I look like. Well, minus the slight look of homicidal mania.

Pleased as punch!
So, I've been promising a proper post for ages now and I figured there's no time like the present (plus I have a small hole in my normally full social calender). I'm still getting over the fact I no longer have to study, It's such a wierd feeling. I keep experiencing waves of guilt about not pouring over the notes that I've already thrown out. I am assured it will pass in time.

I am faced with the pleasant prospect of a long summer holiday not doing very much with my life at all. There are a million things the I could be doing but I can guarantee that I won't do them so I'm not even going to attempt anything that could be construed as productive. I intend to fill my time with the watching of TV, reading of books and chilling with the occasional unlucky friend.

Right. I'm going to get down to the business of pretentious post writing rather than waffling about my life.

London. Capital of England. Home of black cabs, Westminster, and the Queen. Metropolis. May as well be a million miles away from rural North East England where I'm currently stuck. Now, you have to understand the London and I are not best buddies. We have a bit of a personality clash. I find London vulgar, dirty and rude. There are far too many people and I just can't warm to it. London finds me small, insignificant and out of my depth. You can see why we don't get on. I prefer medium sized pretty places, like Cambridge (win!). This relationship with London is something The Best Friend and I disagree on. She loves the damn place.

This being said, I have a few friends and acquaintances in London. I keep in touch with them via the wonderful,  worldwide meeting place that is Facebook.  I read their status updates with interest. They always seem to be doing something fantastic. Like seeing Mumford And Sons in Hyde park. Or going to Wimbledon and seeing Nadal the dreamboat. Or watching the Graham Norton Show live. They get all of these fantastic opportunities because they live in London, where things happen, rather than in Northumberland where they don't. It simply isn't fair.

The preferential treatment of London always irks me. Listening to the national radio stations, such as Radio One, the give traffic reports for London, tell you of events happening in London. It's all about London. London. London. London. In London they think that Yorkshire is north. Heck, they practically think that Birmingham is north. These places are hours south for me. Hours. In a car. With my family. They are NOT Northern. They also seem to think that things that occur in the north are not worth reporting. Northern cities are not worth visiting. Again, simply not fair.

Now I understand that London is the centre of politics in the country and home of the royals seemingly anyone else of note but does that mean that the North can be ignored? It takes me 6-7 hours to get to London in the car. I can't travel to the entertainment and I don't see why the entertainment can't travel to me. Seriously  Next year can we hold Wimbledon in Newcastle? (wait second....doh!)

Anyhoo. Rant over. you can all go back to your lives now.

 Love and kisses x

ps. New glasses are great, can see again. hurrah.

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